Fails to report build status to GitHub again

Hi there,

a week ago, I reported a problem where Travis stopped reporting the build status to GitHub:

Back then, I solved this problem for me by removing Travis’ access from my GitHub account and setting it up again.

Well, guess what? The problem happened again.

This PR had a problem that was caught by Travis CI (thanks!), so I pushed another commit and the build status for this new commit is not reported to GitHub, even though the build passed just fine:

Since I do not want to revoke Travis’ access to my GitHub account every week, I am again asking for help.

This time I explicitly did not do anything yet to try to make this work again so that it becomes clear what exactly I did based on your suggestions.

I do not seem to be alone with this problem. Right now, this web page tells me that my problem is similar to:

Edit: Actually, I just noticed that the previous commit in my PR is still shown as Pending on Travis CI. Thus, I guess the GitHub integration broke between when this build started and when it finished.

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Same thing is happening on marked

Same happening also for me, again !

Seems like this randomly started working again. I have not done anything.

This PR from today got a status reported:
The original PR in here also got a status report after I restarted its Travis build.

In my case it still doesn’t update the status after rerun:

I hit this two days ago on a repository that we don’t build from that often.

I’ve added an update on a separate topic.

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