got a rather “trivial” YAML up and the windows version has been “Waiting to start” for two hours now…
Is the windows pipeline down, or am I doing something wrong?
language: generic
depth: 1
- osx
- windows
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- cd holoplotApp/Source/UnitTests
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]];
then cmake .;
else cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" .;
- cd -
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]];
then xcodebuild -project holoplotApp/Builds/MacOSX/holoplotApp.xcodeproj;
else msbuild holoplotApp/Builds/VisualStudio2017/holoplotApp.sln;
- cd holoplotApp/Source/UnitTests
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]];
then make;
else msbuild UnitTests.sln;
- cd -
- cd holoplotApp/Source/UnitTests
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]];
then ./unittests;
else Release/unittests.exe;
# Disabled notifications for now as they stop the windows builds to appear...
# notifications:
# slack:
# secure: YSrF32REBSrbuhdMmZph[snip]I8aIPVQ=
# on_success: change
# on_failure: change
There are no secrets in the travis script.
There is never a build log and it just gets stuck at “Waiting to start”.
One I left for 2 hours, one for 6 hours.
This issue still exists, my .travis.yml file contained language: minimal and VMs would never start. Changing it to language: c (in the matrix) allowed the VM to boot.
Hey! My Windows builds still get stuck booting when using language: generic (over 1.5 years after it was reported here!). Changing the language to bash still fixes the issue. Maybe make the build fail for unsupported languages or at least add this to the known issues topic?