Stuck on "Syncing from Github"

Yup! This issue seems to pop up once very few months and here it is!


Whenever I try to force a sync from through the command line I guess:
synchronizing: 409: "{\"message\":\"Sync already in progress. Try again later.\"}"

At this point there needs to be a travis command to STOP a sync so it can start over.
What do I do?

The problem is that I DO have organizations I’m a part of and I CAN’T WORK WITH THEM! I can work with local repos just fine, both private and public, but I can’t add any organization-based repos. :frowning_face:

Did you ever resolve this?

This suggests that you should contact Travis support directly so they can manually sync it for you.

Log out and log in again. This is most likely due to web interface changes that work poorly with old cookies.

Log out and log in again. This is most likely due to web interface changes that work poorly with old cookies.

For those who didn’t work the “Log out and log in again” method in Chrome, try opening the URL in incognito-mode/secret window of the browser.

If that works then you need to clear the cache and hard-reload the page by:

  1. Open dev tools from “settings” - “other tools” - “developer tools” (This will open the developer tools’ pane)
  2. Right-click the refresh icon “🔄” and select “clear cache and hard reload”
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