Owner XXX does not have an active user license


I used (free offer of) Travis for years, I’ve never seen a problem like this. I still own ~29000 credits. Last time (about a week ago) everything worked nicely. However now, I get this:

“Owner lgblgblgb does not have an active user license.”

Can be seen here: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence

I’ve tried to google for such an error message, also here in the forum, but I haven’t seen any exact error message like this, only maybe “expired” and “exceeded” (IIRC) and similar versions but not exactly this one.

Does anyone have some idea how to fix this problem? I’ve mailed support already but no answer so far. Thanks!!

Just to be fair, Travis support was fast enough to fix this within 24 hours, now it seems to work.

Hi @lgblgblgb,

Great to hear.