Concurrency for open source projects

Hi, what is the concurrency available for open source projects? And additionally if one is paying for say the “Startup” plan with 2 concurrent jobs, does this get added to the free number available as open source project? So in total 2 + whatever the open source free option provides.



I typically have up to five jobs running on open source projects.

We’ve recently migrated from .org to .com and have dropped from five concurrent jobs to three. I also saw, which seemed to indicate that the five jobs were restored after ~8 days, but it’s been longer than that for us. I can’t find any documentation to explain the details of the transition. Anybody know more?

Edit: By “us”, I mean


I’ve seen something similar for the Battle for Wesnoth project as @effigies. Builds from the main repository at only get 3 concurrent jobs, whereas builds on my fork at get 5 concurrent jobs. I’ve not been able to find any sort of documentation on why this would be the case, so any information about what’s going on would be appreciated.

For the record, this situation has not changed, so it’s not a lag.

The reduction to 3 concurrent jobs for open source looks like an official policy change.

Cloud Pricing – Travis-CI (when signed out) says:

We love Open Source and offer a free plan for your projects. You will receive unlimited builds and 3 concurrent jobs for free, along with all the other features you’ve come to love from Travis CI.

I’ve noticed organisations which have transferred to only use 3 concurrent jobs, making them very slow. Orgs which are still on .org are using 5, but on every org I’ve checked at, it says:

3 concurrent jobs, free!

We <3 open source! You will always get 3 free additional concurrent jobs for your open source projects.

… “You’ll always get 5, until we change it to 3”?

… “You’ll always get 3, until we change it to 1”?

When Idera bought Travis CI, their announcement said:

What impact will this have on open source?

Open source is at the heart of Travis CI. We will continue to maintain a free, hosted service for open source projects, and will keep building features for the open source community. Additionally, our code will stay open source and under an MIT license. This is who we are, this is what made us successful.

This policy change feels like a backward step, and not really in the spirit. I expect more projects will move to GitHub Actions and other CIs. Perhaps this is the aim?

I’d also appreciate an announcement about this policy change, and the reasoning for this downgrade.


Somewhat coincidentally(?) the main Wesnoth repository is back to 5 concurrent jobs. I also see on the Plans page that it says 5 concurrent jobs for open source projects again.

Maybe there was some sort of miscommunication between teams within Travis?

Travis told me on Twitter:

Hi there! Just to clarify, you’ll continue on getting 5 concurrent builds when moving across open source repos to - this was something we overlooked when moving domains (rather than anything to do with the acquisition), but has been fixed now! :+1:

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Mine is back up to 5, as well…