Update Python `3.11-dev`

Python 3.11-dev on the focal image is still using 3.11.0a3+.

Python 3.11 is now up to 3.11.0b3.

  • Python 3.11.0a3 was released Dec. 8, 2021
  • Python 3.11.0b3 was released June 1, 2022

There’s been many changes in 6 months, notably the addition tomllib in 3.11.0a7, the omission of which in 3.11-dev is causing test compatibility problems, for example:

@Montana Please will you update 3.11-dev to use the newest beta to allow us to test properly?

Thank you.


The latest beta version has been updated for both Bionic and Focal images.


Travis CI Staff

Thank you, confirmed 3.7-dev to 3.11-dev are expected on Focal: