Confirming that the error happens intermittently – even for jobs of the same build that differ only in a single envvar from passing ones – and some config envvars are missing from the erroring jobs’ configurations.
So the problem is definitely in the processing infrastructure.
I’m also having the same problem. Funny thing is that slightly shortening a certain if-condition of my .travis.yml file makes the macos build work successfully…
The only difference between the successful build and the failed build was as below.
My successful build:
if: branch = windows_ci_test OR type = pull_request OR type = cron
My failed build:
if: branch = windows_ci_test OR type = pull_request OR type = cron OR branch = auto OR branch = try
Is there anyone we can tag in for escalation? @banzaiman perhaps - I just don’t know who to tag in order to know it has some attention for investigation