How to trigger travis build for every commit on master branch?

I have travis config on my repository

I want to run it for every commit on master branch but it not triggering.
example commit

Please help.

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Curiously, when we attempt to configure the build based on the request, we are unable to fetch .travis.yml. Your API build requests are triggering builds, but the associated commit doesn’t have any significant information, so we are simply running a default build in Ruby, which simply fails.

It is not entirely clear why we are failing to fetch .travis.yml, however.

Can you try syncing your account data ( and try pushing a new commit?

@BanzaiMan there’s no .travis.yml in, which its requests list clearly says.

When they trigger a build via API however, that (nonexistent) config is merged with the config from the API payload, so the build does trigger, with the effective config equal to that in the payload.

That config is completely invalid and is ignored (as its validation result says), so the build is effectively run with an empty config.

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Ha ha ha. You are right! :see_no_evil: