I’m having some account issues where builds hang, and builds don’t run. It tells me that i have no credits left in my organization however we have all open source projects and i suspect some credits use are a result of really slow builds with the migration happening. Also when i click on the links in the error message saying i have no credits i get an error.
i tried to migrate to .com but now i can’t even get in to understand where all of the credits are going and no builds run. The repo below is one that has stopped building altogether.
Can anyone please help? i’ve emailed support twice in the past week and no one has responded. the first email was sent on november 11. Many thanks.
Hi @montana ! Thank you. Im confused about the new pricing scheme myself. I did read the blog thank u! Our builds used to be free.
They are all open source projects…tools and education. Resources on my website that provides free online training …so all for the greater good projects. Do we have to pay for ci now? Even if our work is open source?
What i saw happen is builds slowed way down like running for hours at a time when it used to be minutes and then all of a sudden they stopped.
I currently dont have budget for ci credits w our current situation but its good to know if that is the avenue so I can either plan for next year or find alternative options. Could someone look at our account please and help me sort this out? Im in the middle of the semester and its hard to have things not working.
The organization on github is earthlab. Its a public organization w many different academic projects that support our lab . All of mine are open source and open education.
We will be offering an allotment of OSS minutes that will be reviewed and allocated on a case by case basis. Should you want to apply for these credits please open a request with Travis CI support stating that you’d like to be considered for the OSS allotment. Please include:
Your account name and VCS provider (like travis-ci.com/github/[your account name] )
How many credits (build minutes) you’d like to request (should your run out of credits again you can repeat the process to request more or discuss a renewable amount)
Usage will be tracked under your account information so that you can better understand how many credits/minutes are being used
I don’t see why you wouldn’t get the allotment. I hope this helps.