XCode Helper is not trusted for accessibility


I am trying to get our macOS UI Tests working on TravisCI, but I am running into the issue that the XCode Helper App is not trusted for accessibility.
Since in macOS 10.13 the tcc database is protected by SIP I am out of ideas how I can trust XCode Helper for Accessibility.

Is there anyone successfully running XCode UI tests for a macOS application.




I have an empty GUI app for macOS that just hosts unit tests that uses platform-specific code. I haven’t had problems with that but also haven’t done any real UI testing yet. I suspect that UI testing will produce a different result in my case too but is there anything specific that we could quickly try in order to reproduce the problem?

Hey there,

We just launched the 10.2 beta. Could you give that a shot to see if it still happens there?

Either way, we have an open bug report internally that we’ll be looking into. :slight_smile:

After creating my own UI tests, I face the same problem while using the 10.1 image. It is a bit much to upgrade my project files and code to try beta software that should not be used in production.

@kris Would it be a lot to ask to add the required access in the 10.1 image? It seems to me that it just needs a record or two in a database to work. I was able to modify the TCC database on my development computer with SIP disabled but it is not allowed on the Travis CI build machine.

It is surprising how much effort it takes to get elementary things to work in context with CI, code signing, unit tests and UI tests. Automation in the Apple world is pretty hard with walls everywhere. :tired_face:

Is there any movement here? I think the fix for this should be fairly straightforward. The macOS image needs to trust XCode helper for accessibility. This might have to be a manual step the the image is created, but shouldn’t take too long.