Travis deploy lib in Bintray, throws "Build folder does not exist"


during the deployment phase I get the warning:

[Bintray Upload] Warning: Path: build/libs/ does not exist.`

My lib is not deployed and I don’t understand why travis can’t find build/libs . I checked with simple ls command in .travis.yml and the path is valid.

I am looking to send .pom and .jar files located in build/libs folder. so its very straight forward…

      "includePattern": "build/libs/(.*)",
      "uploadPattern": "com/baillyj/jikankt/1.0.0/$1"

is my syntax no good?

By default, Travis is going to stash any changes to the directory before deploying. Therefore build/libs was created in a build step and deleted in the deploy step, logically when you ran ls these files would appear in your CLI.

So add the following to your existing .travis.yml:

  skip_cleanup: true

good to know by default travis stashes, is this similar to git stashing?


These terms are all fluid, like pop, stash, etc.