We use Travis to build and deploy artifacts to Maven Central. The repository has 2 branches:
- master - Builds on JDK 8
- 9.0.0 - Builds on JDK 11
In order to define a different JDK, we use the following matrix:
fast_finish: true
- jdk: oraclejdk8
if: branch = master
- jdk: openjdk11
if: branch = 9.0.0
For every commit made to either of these branches, we build and deploy a snapshot to Maven Central.
For every tag pushed to either of these branch, we want to build and release to Maven Central.
# Deploy snapshots on every commit made to master and 9.0.0 branch
- provider: script
script: ./gradlew uploadPublished -PsonatypeUsername=$SONATYPE_USERNAME -PsonatypePassword=$SONATYPE_PASSWORD
skip_cleanup: true
tags: false
all_branches: true
# Deploy releases on every tag push
- provider: script
script: sh .ci/deploy.sh
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
When a commit is pushed to any of these branches, it works fine. However, when we push tags, build isn’t triggered. The request is received by Travis and a request message can be seen in Travis web dashboard: “Build config did not create any jobs”.
Github Repo: https://github.com/controlsfx/controlsfx
Travis Repo: https://travis-ci.com/controlsfx/controlsfx
Failed Tag: https://github.com/controlsfx/controlsfx/commit/c60656b4f360d530b17ef49663a853f76807035b