Stale bug reporting instructions for R environment

The instructions at Building an R Project - Travis CI how to report a bug still link to Sign in to GitHub · GitHub instead of to this community forum.

Travis CI support for R is contributed by the community and may be removed or altered at any time. If you run into any problems, please report them in the Travis CI issue tracker and cc @jeroen and @jimhester.

You can propose a fix to the text by using the “Improve this page on GitHub” link at the top.

Yes, I could, but I don’t know what the accepted report methodology is now. For instance, should one still " cc @jeroen and @jimhester" ?

If a part of a text is evidently outdated, other parts might be outdated even if there is no visible evidence for it. Ex falso quodlibet.

The build log also refers to those two so that part is true.

@BanzaiMan do we need the duplication? I reckon the doc can be the authoritative place (with the build message referring to it) because it’s easier to look up and refer to.