[SOLVED] Travis cuts off Roxygen examples

[edit: mentioned the maintainers, improve text, switching to Xenial is no workaround]

Hi @jimhester and @jeroen,

Since approx April 2019, I encounter that a Travis build fails due to cutting the Roxygen2 documentation’s examples:

For example here, look at the last two lines:

* checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in ‘mcbette-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> ### Name: est_marg_liks_from_models
> ### Title: Estimate the marginal likelihoods for all combinations of site,
> ###   clock and tree models
> ### Aliases: est_marg_liks_from_models
> ### ** Examples
>   # Use an example FASTA file
>   fasta_filename <- system.file("extdata", "simple.fas", package = "mcbette")


>   expect_true(is.factor(df$tree_prior_name))
>   expect_true(!is.factor(df$marg_log_lik))
>   expect_t
Error: object 'expect_t' not found

Clearly, if the documentation would be …


… then the error message makes excellent sense.

Or here 11 days ago, again in the last two lines:

> ### Name: create_test_cand_experiment
> ### Title: Create a valid testing pirouette candidate experiment.
> ### Aliases: create_test_cand_experiment
> ### ** Examples
> library(testthat)
> experiment <- create_test_cand_experiment()
> expect_true("inference_conditions" %in% names(experiment))
> expect_true("inf
+ Error: unexpected end of input

In both cases, of course, the documentation was complete and worked locally.

Switching to using Xenial (i.e. add dist: xenial to your .travis.yml) and back does not work.

I wonder if it has to do with my documentation being more extensive than most?

I hope you can help :+1:

Cheers, Richel Bilderbeek

Update: this bug lasted in multiple repos for about one week, since then Roxygen documentation was built on Travis as expected.

Will mark this question as [SOLVED], although [WENT AWAY MAGICALLY] would be more appropriate.

You can mark a post as a solution by pressing the tick icon below it to mark the topic resolved.

Thanks for the tip @native-api :+1: