all current builds - of which the link below is an example are failing due to MySQL not starting.
It times-out here;
+ dockerize -wait tcp://opencats_test_mariadb:3306 -wait http://opencats_test_web:80 -timeout 30s
2022/06/30 10:04:25 Waiting for host: tcp://opencats_test_mariadb:3306
2022/06/30 10:04:25 Waiting for host: http://opencats_test_web:80
2022/06/30 10:04:25 Received 200 from http://opencats_test_web:80
2022/06/30 10:04:55 Timeout after 30s waiting on dependencies to become available: [tcp://opencats_test_mariadb:3306 http://opencats_test_web:80]
+ php modules/tests/waitForDb.php
Timeout while waiting for the DB and database.
this is a build from a few months back that was successful but now fails. MySQL just doesn’t start. I’m not overly familiar with travis-ci, so if there are some obvious things to check, please shout!
Travis config
and the test scripts;
I appreciate config in travis.yml needs to be updated - but for now… MySQL not running is the issue!