Node_js lts/* failing on Windows

My .travis.yml config specifies:

language: node_js

- "node"
- "lts/*"

- linux
- osx
- windows

which runs fine on Linux & OSX, but on Windows it errors out with

$ nvs add lts/*
Downloading bootstrap node from
######################################################################## 100.0%

$ nvs use lts/*
The command "nvs use lts/*" failed and exited with 1 during .

Your build has been stopped.

Specified version not found.
To add this version now: nvs add node/lts

What should I put in my .travis.yml to run tests against NodeJS LTS on Windows?

I think node is not a valid name on Windows (which uses a different Node.js version manager) when it comes to Travis.

Remember that nvs add <version> downloads and extracts a requested node version. An added node version is then ready to activate with a USE command.

A version string consists of a complete or partial semantic version number or version label (“lts”, “latest”, “Argon”, etc.), optionally preceded by a remote name, optionally followed by a processor architecture or bitness (x86, x64, 32, 64), separated by slashes. When a partial version matches multiple available versions, the latest version is automatically selected. Examples: node/lts, 4.6.0, 6/x86, node/6.7/x64. An alias may also be used in place of a version string.

A remote name is one of the keys from the remotes mapping in $NVS_HOME/settings.json; these may be managed using the nvs remote command.

Thanks for your reply.

What I would like to know is what I should put into my .travis.yml file to run tests against latest stable Node.js and latest LTS Node.js on Linux, OSX, and Windows?

Previously, this used to work:

language: node_js

- "node"
- "lts/*"

- linux
- osx
- windows

Would I need to break the .travis.yml up into separate sections because nvs (on Windows) uses different names to nvm (on Linux/OSX)?

If so, could you illustrate how?

And if not, would there be some other solution?

Thanks, Chris

According to GitHub - jasongin/nvs: Node Version Switcher - A cross-platform tool for switching between versions and forks of Node.js, “lts” should work.

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It looks like ‘lts/*’ works on nvm, ‘lts’ works on nvs – it doesn’t seem there’s any way to have Travis tests run on both linux/osx and windows, so I’ve simply pulled my windows tests ( -> · chrisveness/geodesy@1f06e1f · GitHub).

Pretty rubbish cross-platform compatibility, Travis!