GitHub PR is being built but result is not shown

We also encountered the problem, travis-ci did not report the build status:

continuous-integration/travis-ci Expected — Waiting for status to be reported

We solved it after some operations, you may have a try:

  1. Revoke authorization of travis-ci from github:
    Go to Sign in to GitHub · GitHub, find “Travis CI for Open Source” row and click “…” then click the dropdown “Revoke” button.

  2. Reset Access of “Travis CI for Open Source” (I’m not sure if this is necessary): Go to github organization home page and click “Settings” - " Third-party access", find the “Travis CI for Open Source” and click the “Edit” button, then it will jump to “Access Review” page, my url like this
    click “Deny access” then click “Grant access”.

  3. Re-authorize travis account:
    Go to, and sign out the account, then click “Sign in with GitHub”, and it will jump to “Authorize Travis CI for Open Source” page, click the green “Authorize travis-ci” button. Well everything is done.

It works fine for me.