Dependabot not triggering builds

I just noticed this happening today. Dependabot isn’t triggering Travis CI builds. In the request log on Travis CI it says:

Sender bot is not allowed to trigger build in this repo.

How do I give Dependabot permission to trigger builds?

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Same here since monday morning.
I sent a request to the support who asked if the “user” has proper access rights for the org / the repo. But dependabot doesn’t need access, it’s a GitHub app.

No more answer after that.

We’re affected by the same issue. Renovate bot is unable to trigger builds as well.

Same here, for multiple repos in my organisation. Any workaround/fix?

Same here, also experiencing permission issues with users changing env vars…
Happens several days already…

We have a nightly cron job which stopped working on November 4.

We now see both of these error messages:

Sender is not allowed to trigger build in this repo


Sender bot is not allowed to trigger build in this repo.

in our listing of Requests.

We just got some PR from dependabot right now and Travis is triggered again!

Travis Support just confirmed me they rollbacked:

We appreciate your patience as our team addressed the issue of overly stringent build request verification. We have rolled back the changes, allowing you to continue with your builds as usual. Please accept our heartfelt apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

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Hi everyone,

Builds should be back to normal now with dependabot and cron jobs.

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