Ccache on mingw: no such file or directory

Hello, I’m starting out slowly on a similar adventure.

My take was on using the “official” build of ccache for windows now that one is available, as in and prefixes “ccache” expicitly into “CC” or “CXX” definition as in (this was needed anyway to support builds on Unix/Linux envs with non-default compilers that did not install their symlinks into ccache dir).

Per my questions at Install ccache on Windows there should also be a chocolatey package available. And if your project is not tightly married to ccache, someone there suggested a Mozilla sccache which seems decent from the project README.

Another problem I have is lack of autotools so the project can not go from to actually building :frowning: A discussion at Install Autoconf / automake pointed to to prepare the environment… maybe I’ll try that too.

Hope this helps,
Jim Klimov