I am trying to configure and use a local docker registry since my application builds images that later need to be pulled by Kubernetes. Originally I was using the built-in registry in microk8s, but I am now trying to just run the registry container and push an image to it, and that does not work. See this minimal example:
dist: focal
- docker
# Run local docker registry.
- docker run -d -p 32000:32000 --restart always --name registry registry:2
- docker tag registry:2 localhost:32000/registry:latest
- docker push localhost:32000/registry:latest
This results in the following:
$ docker push localhost:32000/registry:latest
The push refers to repository [localhost:32000/registry]
Get http://localhost:32000/v2/: EOF
The command "docker push localhost:32000/registry:latest" exited with 1.
Not sure if this needs authentication but here is a link to the build: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence
Any insights are appreciated. Am I trying to do something unsupported?