Travis CI build does not execute tags: true

Travis was working well until this past Thursday.
Currently is not executing the last part.

   - provider: script
     script: "${BLT_TRAVIS_DIR}/scripts/deploy_branch"
     skip_cleanup: true
       branch: develop
       php: 7.3
   - provider: script
     script: "${BLT_TRAVIS_DIR}/scripts/deploy_branch"
     skip_cleanup: true
       branch: master
       php: 7.3
   - provider: script
     script: "${BLT_TRAVIS_DIR}/scripts/deploy_tag"
     skip_cleanup: true
       tags: true
       php: 7.3

The on: tags: true is being ignored but it worked last week.

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Nevermind, I got it to work. There’s a few items that generate tags and I confused them.
Idk how to close this issue. But this is not a bug. Tks