"Skipping a deployment with the script provider because this branch is not permitted: master" despite having a deployment entry for `master`

Build keeps dropping an error:
Skipping a deployment with the script provider because this branch is not permitted: master
And if I push to a different branch, like the one in the example, called travisci-testing, it drops an error like this:
Skipping a deployment with the script provider because this branch is not permitted: travisci-testing

Here is the build file:
And here is the .travis.yml file:

You have 2 deployment clauses, one for master, one for travisci-testing.

So whatever the branch is, at least one of them will be skipped with the message that you are seeing. If the branch is neither of those, both will be skipped and you’ll get two messages.

The “Skipping a deployment” message being on top of the log window rather than at its place in the log is a bug, but an unrelated one.

But, why does it skip deployment to master when something is pushed to master?

It doesn’t. It skips the deployment for travisci-testing. The deployment for master does run AFAICS, and you can see the script’s output if you expand the “Deploying application” section.

What’s the reason for it showing : master at the end and not : travisci-testing?
I don’t think I quite understand the error message.

Since the skipped deployment is for the travisci-testing branch, the current branch, master, is not permitted for it. That’s what the message is saying.