“Skipping a deployment... because this is not on the required runtime.”

I have been getting a serious of errors regarding to deployment.

My .travis.yml file is here: https://github.com/rbpatt2019/ToDonePy/blob/master/.travis.yml

On the first pass, I had travis only building tags. This resulted in the error “Skipping a deployment with the pypi provider because this is not on the required runtime” for my build for both Ppython 3.6 and 3.7. See https://travis-ci.org/rbpatt2019/ToDonePy/builds/587262062

I removed the old “if: tag IS present” line, added a new tag (v1.0.2), and re-pushed. This triggered a build for both the master branch and the tag branch as expected.

The master branch behaves as expected. It doesn’t deploy, saying both “Skipping a deployment with the pypi provider because this is not on the required runtime” and “Skipping a deployment with the pypi provider because this is not a tagged commit.” See https://travis-ci.org/rbpatt2019/ToDonePy/builds/587265775

On the tag branch, where I do expect deploys, the build still skips the deploys. Both the python 3.6 and 3.7 builds say “Skipping a deployment with the pypi provider because this is not on the required runtime.” See https://travis-ci.org/rbpatt2019/ToDonePy/builds/587265768

I am at a loss for why it will not deploy. Any help will be appreciated.

I know the project, itself, deploys fine, as I have successfully released it using sdist/bdist_wheel/twine to PyPI manually.

This is the culprit:

    - 3.6
    - 3.7

on: <language>: only accepts one value. (the code doing the check)
If you need to deploy from jobs for both versions, just omit the clause altogether.

Thank you much for the help! I had a feeling I was missing something simple, but couldn’t find what. Cheers!