Rvm command not found when deploy to Github release

Here is the error log when deploy windows version to Github release:

$ powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File "ci\before_deploy.ps1"
   Compiling libc v0.2.43
   Compiling rustc-demangle v0.1.9
   Compiling winapi v0.2.8
   Compiling cfg-if v0.1.5
   Compiling itoa v0.4.3
   Compiling serde v1.0.79
   Compiling ryu v0.2.6
   Compiling num-traits v0.2.6
   Compiling num-integer v0.1.39
   Compiling libz-sys v1.0.22
   Compiling lazy_static v1.1.0
   Compiling kernel32-sys v0.2.2
   Compiling socket2 v0.3.8
   Compiling backtrace v0.3.9
   Compiling time v0.1.40
   Compiling dirs v1.0.3
   Compiling open v1.2.2
   Compiling ansi_term v0.11.0
   Compiling curl-sys v0.4.10
   Compiling serde_json v1.0.27
   Compiling schannel v0.1.13
   Compiling chrono v0.4.6
   Compiling anyshortcut v0.1.0 (file:///C:/Users/travis/build/anyshortcut/anyshortcut-cli)
   Compiling failure v0.1.2
   Compiling curl v0.4.15
   Compiling curl-http v0.1.0
    Directory: C:\Users\travis\build\anyshortcut\anyshortcut-cli
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name                                                                  
----                -------------         ------ ----                                                                  
d-----       10/14/2018   8:35 AM                staging                                                               
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 2m 15s
7-Zip 18.05 (x64) : Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2018-04-30
Scanning the drive:
2 files, 1467050 bytes (1433 KiB)
Creating archive: ../%PROJECT_NAME%-%TRAVIS_TAG%-%TARGET%.zip
Add new data to archive: 2 files, 1467050 bytes (1433 KiB)
Files read from disk: 2
Archive size: 584801 bytes (572 KiB)
Everything is Ok
$ rvm $(travis_internal_ruby) --fuzzy do ruby -S gem install dpl
The command "rvm $(travis_internal_ruby) --fuzzy do ruby -S gem install dpl" failed and exited with 127 during .
Your build has been stopped.
/c/Users/travis/.travis/job_stages: line 164: rvm: command not found
/c/Users/travis/.travis/job_stages: line 677: rvm: command not found
/c/Users/travis/.travis/job_stages: line 681: /c/Users/travis/.rvm/scripts/rvm: No such file or directory
/c/Users/travis/.travis/job_stages: line 164: rvm: command not found
/c/Users/travis/.travis/job_stages: line 104: rvm: command not found

Here is partial of my .travis.yml file:

  - os: windows
    language: rust
    env: TARGET=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
    - cargo build --release --target $TARGET --verbose
    - powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File "ci\before_deploy.ps1"

  provider: releases
    # Generate secure token with travis encrypt --pro
    secure: "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"
  file_glob: true
  skip_cleanup: true
    tags: true

I’m closing this one now. If you find issues with Releases deployment, open an issue in https://travis-ci.community/c/product/deployment.
