(ReactJS) Failure in build using Travis, AWS Elasticbeanstalk and Docker

Below is my .travis.yml file configuration:

language: generic
  - docker

  - docker build -t heet1996/my-profile -f Dockerfile.dev .

  - docker run heet1996/my-profile npm run test -- --coverage

  provider: elasticbeanstalk
  region: "us-east-1"
  app: "My-profile"
  env: "MyProfile-env"
  bucket_name: "elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-413920612934"
  bucket_path: "My-profile"
    branch: master
  access_key_id: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY
  secret_access_key: "$AWS_SECRET_KEY"

Let me know if you need more information, thank you.


Hey as usual @SolarUltima,

In your script, specifically via key value in your .travis.yml file, try and do this:

  - docker run -e CI=true 

Then adding the callback information. AWS needs the access variables to be named differently in the env var.

So you should change:

access_key_id: $AWS_ACCESS_KEY
secret_access_key: "$AWS_SECRET_KEY"

To the following:

access_key_id: "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
secret_access_key: "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"

I’ve seen enough of these cases, this should solve your problem in no time, but if it doesn’t please post back and I’ll be glad to help you more.

Travis CI Staff

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Hey @SolarUltima,

Just wanted to confirm this worked even though you marked this as the solution! I like to make sure these things worked.

Travis CI Staff


Great to hear @SolarUltima. Was happy to see this in my notifications!

Travis CI Staff