Paid user with OSS project running one job at a time - why?

After burning through 10000 ‘credits’ without realizing it following the migration from .org to .com, I paid a monthly AND an addon fee to be able to again use my setup for a private repository.

Now I am working in a PUBLIC repository (OSS, right?), and can’t seem to run more than one job at a time (?), nor can I enable the purchased credits addon to zoom me through 180+ jobs on travis - Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence

What am I doing wrong?

What is doing wrong?

50+ views but no response from anyone connected to Trvis-ci.

For my monthly fee plus credits, does anyone in the organization offer explanations for why the system runs more slowly after paying for improved service?

When I used email with customer service, I was told I needed to buy monthly plus a credit pack to dig out of a debit and start running private builds. While I’m thankful for the assist, I’d now like to know why I can’t use credits to accelerate OSS projects - I thought that was one of the selling points - ?

I guess this fee-for-service model is too complex for me to understand; maybe my money is better spent elsewhere (or kept in my pocket).

very frustrating.