Outdated versions of CMake

The ARM and PPC build environments come with very old versions of CMake. Would it be possible to update them to have the versions documented at https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/cpp/#cmake?


For anyone else who has this problem, I managed to install a newer CMake like this:

- if [[ "${TRAVIS_CPU_ARCH}" == "ppc64le" ]]; then
    sudo apt-get install libuv1 rhash libstdc++6;
    wget https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/cmake/3.17.0/download/linux-ppc64le/cmake-3.17.0-hfb1cb51_0.tar.bz2;
    mkdir $HOME/cmake;
    tar -xjvf cmake-3.17.0-hfb1cb51_0.tar.bz2 -C $HOME/cmake;
    export PATH=$HOME/cmake/bin:$PATH;
- if [[ "${TRAVIS_CPU_ARCH}" == "arm64" ]]; then
    sudo apt-get install libuv1 rhash libstdc++6;
    wget https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/cmake/3.17.0/download/linux-aarch64/cmake-3.17.0-h28c56e5_0.tar.bz2;
    mkdir $HOME/cmake;
    tar -xjvf cmake-3.17.0-h28c56e5_0.tar.bz2 -C $HOME/cmake;
    export PATH=$HOME/cmake/bin:$PATH;

This should work on bionic and later. On xenial you’ll get an error about GLIBCXX because the version is too old.

FYI - upstream feature request: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/20122

note per upstream feature request, snaps are now available on multiple arches:

so try:

sudo snap install cmake --beta --classic