Operating system not supported: -linux -osx

To whom it concerns,

When I was developing my package to Travis CI. It always git this error. May I please know what is the reason? Thanks!!!@jeroen @jimhester

Build system information
0.01s0.01s0.40s0.26s0.06s0.00s0.05s0.00s0.01s0.01s0.01s0.01s0.01s0.00s0.00s0.03s0.00s0.01s0.44s0.00s0.00s0.00s0.01s0.01s0.13s0.00s0.91s0.00s0.00s0.05s0.00s2.80s0.00s0.27sR for Travis-CI is not officially supported, but is community maintained.
Please file any issues at https://travis-ci.community/c/languages/r and mention @jeroen and @jimhester in the issue
Installing R
Operating system not supported: -linux -osx


That’s an informational message.

The real error message is:

Operating system not supported: -linux -osx

Which means a syntax error in your .travis.yml. Most probably, wrong line endings in that part.

Hi @native-api,

Thanks for the reply. However, I change the wrong line, I still got the error below. May I continue have your help? Appreciate it!
R for Travis-CI is not officially supported, but is community maintained.
Please file any issues at https://travis-ci.community/c/languages/r

Please link to an affected build for me to be able to say anything else.

Hi @native-api,

Thank you for the quick reply. Here is the job link,

Tons of thanks!

In the linked job, you are getting test failures.

In https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chloelulu/ZicoSeq/c0448af8b004a4c6b347c7b05ffc9655d1705df3/.travis.yml, presumably the version of .travis.yml that had the problem in the topic title, you don’t have spaces after leading dashes.
They are required by YAML syntax, see https://yaml.org/spec/1.1/#id857181.

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Hi @native-api,

Great!! Thanks so much!! It works!!!
