New member of org - invalid username or password after successful build - no changes

Hey Travis community!


  • I joined a small organization recently, which has enough credits. My association with the org appears in both Travis and Github.
  • I submitted and merged a PR on a documentation repo on Github. Minor change. Got approved and I merged it.
  • Travis triggered the build. The previous build was done by another member of the org, say “Adam”, a couple of months prior.
  • The travis.yaml file contains all the GIT_UID and GIT_TOKEN from the owner of the org, as it has for some time now.
  • The Build appeared to be successful but the changes never reflected on the html.
  • Upon close inspection, towards the end of the Build logs, it reads:
$ git push --force --quiet "https://${GIT_UID}:${GIT_TOKEN}" master:gh-pages
remote: Invalid username or password.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''

You can see the build HERE. In particular, the snippet shows up on lines 1270-1272.

  • “Adam” later merged a separete PR on Github. Got the same error as I did. The html files still has not updated from the previous 2 PRs.
  • The changes do appear in the github repo.

What I tried afterwards

I noticed that I get a message that reads:
“Select a Plan”, telling me that I could not trigger any build until I joined a plan. I am triggering a build on the organization repo, but I figure I would try. So I joined the Free Plan just in case. And with that I restarted the build of both mine and “Adam” build attempts. Got the same error as before.

Hope somebody with knowledge on this can help me out.

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We figured out that the issue indeed was with the GIT_UID and GIT_TOKEN. They had worked fine for a long time but for whatever reason they were not working anymore. The owner of the org regenerated new ones and now the build is up and running.

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Thanks for sharing.

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