Negative Balance on public repos

Hi there,

Travis says my account now has a negative balance, but I only host public GitHub repos and I thought Travis has an unlimited public repo.

What can I do now? Do I need to actually pay to use Travis for public repos?

Have you already migrated to

If so, you’re given a one-off trial allotment of credits, see

Once those are used up, you need to pay for a plan (even for open source), or email support and request to join the open source plan for another one-off or renewing amount of credits.

Unfortunately, support appear to be completely swamped and it’s taking a long time for them to reply, if at all.

Support told one person that management have put OSS credits on hold:

I recommend contacting support anyway, and pay for a plan if you need to build urgently, otherwise consider other CI providers.


Looks like we are all on the same boat.
I have just a few apps and windows 32/64 bits with their build time 20mins. Whole time looks like gone now. 20 minutes because “Windows builds are in early access stage” and almost everyhitng inside needs to be installed (qt application). Looks like they decided to go with this “early stage” to charge strategy. Instead of to get free testing.