Matrix Expansion for Jobs

Our travis file has grown incredibly long over the years, and I was looking into methods of reducing duplication.

We have basically one big job array

    - stage: "Lint + Unit Tests"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
    - stage: "Integration"
... And so on, we
    - stage: "Tag Build"
    - stage: "Deploy Build"
    - stage: "Docs"

Now the first place that just hurts me to look at it, is the Integration step.

Every integration step is exactly the same code, with just an environment variable changing

  - stage: "Integration Tests"
      if: *prOnly
      before_install: ./travis/
      install: *install
      addons: &addons
        chrome: stable
            # Ubuntu 16+ does not install this dependency by default, so we need to install it ourselves
            - libgconf-2-4
        - TEST_FOLDER=./cypress/integration/Layout/**/**.spec.js
        - *setCredentials
        - *buildApp
      script: &runCypress
        - NODE_ENV=local_production BABEL_ENV=test yarn start & node cypress/run.js $TEST_FOLDER

Now this seems like a perfect use case for a matrix expansion,

But this doesn’t seem to be possible currently, are there any plans for supporting this ?