However, I can’t find an install anywhere. It doesn’t seem to be on PATH and it doesn’t seem to be in either Program Files or AppData folders. Is it actually being installed? If so, where to?
@DanTup Can you please put the choco commands to install chrome on the windows which worked for you. I am trying choco install googlechrome this but it gives me an error.
Looking at that script, it points to the latest available version rather than a specific version. So I’d say it’s safe to pass --ignore-checksums as the error message suggests.
(There’s also no need to choco upgrade a package that you’ve just installed.)
@rajshah001 this is what I used, although I’m no longer using Travis (using GH Actions) so I don’t know for sure it still works reliably.
if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "windows" ]]; then
echo Installing Google Chrome Stable...
# Install Chrome via Chocolatey while `addons: chrome` doesn't seem to work on Windows yet
choco install googlechrome --acceptlicense --yes --no-progress --ignore-checksums