"Failed to install -stable. Remote repository may not be reachable." installing Node.js


i try to build env with github but i got this error
Failed to install -stable. Remote repository may not be reachable.

You might have something like:


in your configuration.


OK. There’s your problem. You probably mean:

  - stable

You need a space after - to introduce an array element in YAML.

i changed the yaml to below:
language: minimal
service: docker




  • docker-compose -f Udagram-App-Microservices/deployment/docker/docker-compose-build.yaml build --parallel

and i got these errors:
1- The command "eval git fetch origin +refs/pull/1/merge: " failed. Retrying, 2 of 3.
2- The command "eval git fetch origin +refs/pull/1/merge: " failed. Retrying, 3 of 3.
3- The command "eval git fetch origin +refs/pull/1/merge: " failed 3 times.
4- The command “git fetch origin +refs/pull/1/merge:” failed and exited with 128 during .

You tried to run a PR build, but you merged the PR before Travis CI got to it.

i did it again but i got another error
The command “chmod +x ./kubectl” failed and exited with 1 during .

You are really drifting wide of what you originally asked. Perhaps you may want to open a new topic, complete with a link to the build you are having troubles with.

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