Elixir 1.8.0 was released in 8 days ago, but not found in travis-ci

Please make elixir 1.8.0 in travis-ci test environment.

language: elixir
elixir: 1.8.0

should work. https://travis-ci.org/BanzaiMan/travis_production_test/builds/483310950#L279

What did you try?

my travis.yml is

language: elixir
  - 1.4.5
  - 1.5.3
  - 1.6.6
  - 1.7.4
  - 1.8.0

sudo: false
  - mix deps.get

Looks like the OTP/Release requirement is different for this version. We will need to enforce OTP/Release 20.0.

should fix this issue.