Doc install: - rvm

#language: ruby dist: trusty language: python python: - “3.5.2” branches: only: - master env: global: - PATH=$HOME/.local/user/bin:$PATH - NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=true # speeds up installation of html-proofer cache: pip: true directories: - vendor/bundle - node_modules - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tmp/.htmlproofer # addons: apt: packages: - libxml2-utils deploy: provider: heroku api_key: secure: “hylw2GIHMvZKOKX3uPSaLEzVrUGEA9mzGEA0s4zK37W9HJCTnvAcmgRCwOkRuC4L7R4Zshdh/CGORNnBBgh1xx5JGYwkdnqtjHuUQmWEXCusrIURu/iEBNSsZZEPK7zBuwqMHj2yRm64JfbTDJsku3xdoA5Z8XJG5AMJGKLFgUQ=” app: docs-travis-ci-com skip_cleanup: true on: branch: - master notifications: slack: rooms: secure: LPNgf0Ra6Vu6I7XuK7tcnyFWJg+becx1RfAR35feWK81sru8TyuldQIt7uAKMA8tqFTP8j1Af7iz7UDokbCCfDNCX1GxdAWgXs+UKpwhO89nsidHAsCkW2lWSEM0E3xtOJDyNFoauiHxBKGKUsApJTnf39H+EW9tWrqN5W2sZg8= on_success: never webhooks: install: - rvm use 2.6.3 --install - bundle install --deployment - sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev # required to avoid SSL errors script: - bundle exec rake test - xmllint --noout _site/ I developed a tool which might make dealing with build logs easier and I would like to hear what you think!

Upgrade writer: :camera: