Different cache folders in one build Issue


In this build https://travis-ci.org/wal-g/wal-g/builds/573749111 I run into a problem that file ( docker_prefix-852c18c16339e6089266c218bad0150116dffb55.tgz ) does not exist in cache folder(job#15). But as you can see in job#1 I put this file in /home/travis/docker-images/.
In other jobs there was no such problem.

Please explain to me why I couldn’t find file in common cache in one job, but could find in another

In https://travis-ci.org/wal-g/wal-g/jobs/573749127#L227, you see that for some reason we failed to fetch the PR cache, so we fetched the master branch’s instead.

It is not clear to me why, however.