The job is failing because it is taking too long to download a file The problem is random. There are other jobs in the build which is downloading the files fine.
I started to get this problem since 3rd May 2019. Before that it used to work fine. I think Travis is facing slow connectivity issues.
Can you share a link/URL to a build showing the issues you are still having? Also, could you give us a short description of what’s happening and include a copy of the error message we should look at?
We are still seeing issued with Elixir dependencies. It’s all related to network issues and it still happens on our builds very often (almost 50% of our builds time out or have network issues).
However our other builds randomly fail with other errors as well (especially when downloading the “hex” and “rebar” package manages and getting 3rd party dependencies using “mix deps.get”).
This doesn NOT related to running inside a docker container.