Build a project that requires libfuse3

  • If it doesn’t, run your build in a Docker container representing a newer Ubuntu (e.g. ubuntu:disco ). There, you can install the library via apt .

EDIT: disco would be sufficient, but travis provides only bionic

I’ve hacked around by adding the source line for cosmic main , and

I tried this too ( but i’m reaching timeout (Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence) since it has lots of dependencies that takes too much time to install even from binary.

If your program needs to work in earlier versions of Ubuntu, install libfuse 3 from source and ship it with your app (either statically linked or linked as a private copy, e.g. via rpath)

Pita and possibly avoiding issues with dependencies, i need reliable testing environment instead of wasting another 12 hours with this…

Why is this not open-source?

That is what i am currently using, but it still has issues: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence

configuration: GitHub - Kreyrock/Kreyrock: Main repository of the kreyrock project

And still this is just docker running on another docker… Why can’t i run my docker image at the first place? Or ideally add these docker images to travis so that they can be used painlessly instead of wasting 5 days now on CI configuration…

EDIT: As far as i understood

Travis CI builds can run and build Docker images, and can also push images to Docker repositories or other remote storage.

Is what that means

Far from it:

There’s some problem with the logic that you run inside the container – since it doesn’t see some tools that you have seemingly just installed. You should now be debugging these (enable tracing, add debug printing and such; since it’s in a Docker container, you can also debug this locally in the same container) and fixing the cause once it’s identified, as usual.

There’s also no need to clone your repository again inside the container: you can use the one outside with a Docker mount (you’ll need a docker mount anyway to preserve build artifacts after the container finishes its work and terminates).
Since this is happening in a 3rd-party container with your own logic, this is not a problem in Travis’ functionality: the only thing from Travis there is the kernel and Docker’s security limitations which shouldn’t matter is this case (libfuse3 should be able to work with an older FUSE kernel module AFAICS, and your build doesn’t even reach that phase).

(Since you are clearly struggling to program your build logic even after given the necessary clues and the problem is not on Travis’ side, I can help you here and save what looks like a lot of your time for a couple of bucks. I’m not a Travis employee and am authorized to offer my services if a user demonstrates that they could really use that extra boost. PM me if you are interested.)

There’s some problem with the logic that you run inside the container – since it doesn’t see some tools that you have seemingly just installed. You should now be debugging these (enable tracing, add debug printing and such; since it’s in a Docker container, you can also debug this locally in the same container) and fixing the cause once it’s identified, as usual.

Thanks for info i was able to fix the issue with docker containers running linux: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence

but using the docker provided by travis still has issue even with importing libfuse3-dev manually (Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence) → Disabled for the time being since i can run that in the docker now.

(Since you are clearly struggling to program your build logic even after given the necessary clues and the problem is not on Travis’ side, I can help you here and save what looks like a lot of your time for a couple of bucks. I’m not a Travis employee and am authorized to offer my services if a user demonstrates that they could really use that extra boost. PM me if you are interested.)

This is GPL-Compliant repository (Not verified by GNU) so contribution would be more welcomed, but i want to make this work already so i will try to see if i can make it work now by my own and if not i will PM (currently struggling with QEMU configuration, the docker side seems to be resolved for the time being)