Any chance of providing an environment with Desktop Experience?

I’m trying to test a project that depends on FFmpeg. Unfortunately, FFmpeg doesn’t seem to work on the Windows image — I always get 0xC0000135, STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND. I tracked this issue down to missing avicap32.dll, which appears to be part of Video for Windows (VfW), which is in turn available as part of Desktop Experience. Travis’ image is Server Core (1803 seems to be Server Core-only), so there’s no way to install a Desktop Experience feature.

Is it possible to provide an environment with Desktop Experience? I assume there are other Windows apps out there that relies on certain Desktop Experience features.

(As a point of comparison, FFmpeg works on AppVeyor.)


+1 on this request from me. I’m also working with a program, GNU Octave, that just will not work on the no-Desktop-Experience Windows Server setup. When I run it, it fails with an error with the obtuse error message “error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”.

I set up a Windows Server 2016 with Desktop Experience VM at home, and Octave works fine under that. So it seems like it’s dependent on some libraries in the Desktop Experience stuff.

BTW, hi, zmwangx!

One more point of comparison: Octave also works in AppVeyor.

Hi Andrew, interesting and unexpected way to cross path again :smile:

Speaking of the request, I’m afraid there’s little interest in itself, and Travis has been moving slowly for the past couple of years. The acquisition of late pretty much confirms the fear that Travis is on its way out… Not holding my breath here.

Man, I hope Travis sticks around. They’re my favorite CI host.

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