`allow_failures` not working with script deployment


I am facing an issue combining the allow_failures feature with deployment. Here is a relevant snippet of the used .travis.yml file:

    - name: "Ubuntu 18.04.sudo.mpich [Job failure permitted]"
      if: type = cron
        - docker build -f precice/Dockerfile.Ubuntu1804.sudo.mpich -t precice/precice-ubuntu1804.sudo.mpich-develop .
        skip_cleanup: true
        provider: script
          all_branches: true
        script: >-
          echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u precice --password-stdin &&
          docker push precice/precice-ubuntu1804.sudo.mpich-develop:latest

    - stage: Building preCICE
      name: "Ubuntu 18.04.sudo.mpich [Job failure permitted]"
      if: type = cron
        - docker build -f precice/Dockerfile.Ubuntu1804.sudo.mpich -t precice/precice-ubuntu1804.sudo.mpich-develop .
        skip_cleanup: true
        provider: script
          all_branches: true
        script: >-
          echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u precice --password-stdin &&
          docker push precice/precice-ubuntu1804.sudo.mpich-develop:latest

To give some background here, our travis build conducts a series of individual installations and deploys via script to upload docker images to DockerHub if the installation was successful. This specific job is known to fail, so we deliberately marked it as allowed failure.

Prior to using script deployments we successfully used after_success. However, we find that using deploy will no longer cause the job to be allowed to fail, as in this build log.

The travis docs specify that the keys have to match exactly, which should be the case here as well. Am I missing something else here?

I believe you don’t need to specify all that stuff in allow_failures:. It only needs to contain enough data to uniquely identify the job(s). So in your case, name: should be enough.

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I see, I misinterpreted the definition in the docs. Reducing the entry in allow_failures to

    - name: "Ubuntu 18.04.sudo.mpich [Job failure permitted]"

resolved my issue immdiately.

Thank you very much!