All build fail with "Input must parse into a hash"

Trying to get a repo hooked up with Travis-CI.
I added the travis.yaml and enabled the repo on travis side. All commits and manual triggered builds fail immediately with the message: Input must parse into a hash

Any help appreciated!

Your .travis.yml is not a valid YAML file.

(Or, rather, it technically is, but parses into one long string rather than a hash table so it makes no sense to Travis.)

Check for sample syntax.

I was missing some colons, the parser you linked helped fix this:

Thank you!

I got the same error. I am newbee to Travis.
My .travis.yml

  "language": "node_js",
  "os": [
  "dist": "Focal Fossa",
  "node_js": [
  "cache": {
    "directories": [
  "before_install": [
    "BRANCH=$(echo ${TRAVIS_BRANCH} | sed -e 's/\\(.*\\)/\\L\\1/' | sed -r 's/[^a-z0-9-]/-/g')",
    "npm config set //${NPM_TOKEN}"
  "before_script": [
    "DEBUG=eslint:cli-engine npm run lint:all",
    "npm run build:quick"
  "deploy": [
      "provider": "script",
      "script": "npm run publish:release -- $TRAVIS_TAG --yes",
      "skip_cleanup": true,
      "on": {
        "branch": [
        "tags": false,
        "repo": "blog_mongo"
      "provider": "script",
      "script": "npm run publish:release -- --canary --preid=$BRANCH.$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER --dist-tag=$BRANCH --yes",
      "skip_cleanup": true,
      "on": {
        "tags": true,
        "repo": "blog_mongo"
  "after_success": [
    "npm run test:coverage"