language: C
script: make
gcc hello.c
int main(){
return 0;
any ideas on what the slow down is?
language: C
script: make
gcc hello.c
int main(){
return 0;
any ideas on what the slow down is?
Hey @SolarUltima,
Travis not only has to build your C code, it also has to create the environment provisionally – in which it has access to a C complier to build your code, and spin up the rest of the dependencies.
Creating an environment (especially for the first time, will take a bit of time).
Happy building!
Montana Mendy
To add on to this a little bit via I felt the explanation I gave was a bit vague, you can on some occasion speed the builds up for example, you have something like this in your .travis.yml
os: linux
dist: xenial
sudo: required
language: python
python: "3.6"
- docker
- $HOME/.conan/data
osx: &osx
os: osx
language: generic
- $HOME/.conan/data
- $HOME/.pyenv/versions/2.7.10/
- /usr/local/Homebrew
macOS is part of our .travis/install.sh
, that will look like this:
if [[ "`uname -s`" == 'Darwin' ]]; then
cd /usr/local/Homebrew/
if [[ -d Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask ]]; then
rm -rf Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask
for d in `find $(pwd) -type d -name .git`; do
cd `dirname $d`
git clean -fxd
brew cleanup
cd $curdir # Where Montana almost messed up
brew update
brew outdated pyenv || brew upgrade pyenv
brew install pyenv-virtualenv
brew install cmake || true
if which pyenv > /dev/null; then
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
pyenv install 2.7.10 --skip-existing
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.10 conan --force
pyenv rehash
pyenv activate conan
And finally, in our build-script we create packager
with additional arguments to pass to Docker, and Docker can call packager when need be:
packager = ConanMultiPackager(
docker_build_options='--mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.conan/data,destination=/home/conan/.conan/data',
This is one example on how you can improve build times with bash scripts, and certain methods. Sometimes it’s unavoidable.
Happy building!
Montana Mendy
whoa @Montana!! what you wrote out actually worked for me the first build, I cannot keep thanking you enough for all the help recently, you seriously are a yaml master!!!
Hey @SolarUltima,
I wouldn’t consider myself a YAML master, I just have a really good understanding of it. I think it would be hard for anyone to call themselves a “YAML Master”. I’m good at it, but definitely no master, I appreciate your kind words though.
Happy building!
Montana Mendy