Windows Certificate Store out of date

My project uses Boost.Beast and OpenSSL to download some text files from On Windows it uses certificates from the Windows Certificate Store extracted with Microsoft CryptoAPI (source code: link).

Recently I found this failing only on Travis’s Windows environment with this error: handshake: certificate verify failed (SSL routines) [asio.ssl:167772294]. Ubuntu (jammy), macOS (xcode14.1) and FreeBSD environments are working fine using their respective system-installed certificates. I was also unable to reproduce the issue on my fully-patched Windows 7 and Windows 10 systems.

I was able to remedy this by updating the Windows Certificate Store using certutil.exe and the Import-Certificate PowerShell cmdlet: Job #618.3 - tanzislam/cryptopals - Travis CI (

This extra step only takes a few seconds, so it would be helpful to integrate into Travis’s Windows environment-startup configuration for everyone. Until, perhaps, the CI image is refreshed with a later Windows Server release or patched with Windows Updates.