Windows build agent expecting command line input when running vcvars64.bat?


First time posting on the Travis forums - forgive me if I’ve put this post in the wrong part of the forum or something.

I have a C++ project that has a configuration where it builds on Windows using MSVC. Part of my Travis integration is running a .bat script that does 2 things:

  1. Call vcvars64.bat (path to this is specified as a script argument).
  2. Call cl.exe to build the code.

This all used to work on Travis fine but then some time ago this script stopped working on Travis, despite no changes being made to it.

A look at one of the build logs shows it’s sat on a command line, as if it’s expecting user input?

Link to my travis.yml (again, the Windows part of the build matrix hadn’t been touched when this suddenly started not working):

Do Travis Windows build VMs now expect different syntax for calling scripts and arguments, etc?

Any light that anyone can shed on this would be very much appreciated, and if there’s any more information people need then just let me know. =)



A duplicate of

Yes it is. Never saw that post!

Thanks. Solution in that post worked for me. =)