This isn’t a TypeScript (tsx) compiler issue so much as it it Travis’s problem.
In my package I have a function completeRound
which takes a number as its first argument, then 3 optional arguments, and because I’ve written it in TypeScript I tell it that it needs to have a number passed in as the first argument:
function completeRound( number: number, rounding = 1, direction = 'closest', offset = 0 ): number {
let n: number = +number,
r: number = Math.abs(+rounding),
d: string = direction,
o: number = +offset;
if (typeof n !== 'number') {
throw new TypeError('You need to round a number!');
// Rest of the code goes here
It all works fine, the only trouble is when it comes to testing, which is obviously the whole point of Travis:
import completeRound from '../src/completeRound';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import 'mocha';
const expectedResults = [
testVal : {
number : 3.5,
rounding : 1,
direction : 'down'
eR : 3
// 40-something different tests, all passing fine
]; => describe(`completeRound(${t.testVal.number}, ${t.testVal.rounding}, '${t.testVal.direction}', ${t.testVal.offset})`,() => {
it(`should return ${t.eR}`, () => {
const result = completeRound(t.testVal.number,t.testVal.rounding,t.testVal.direction,t.testVal.offset);
})); // For testing results where it shouldn't throw an error, or throw a TypeError
/* This one is the problem line */
expect(() => completeRound([5])).to.throw(TypeError, /a number/);
/* ---------------------------- */
expect(() => completeRound(5,1,'arriba')).to.throw(Error, /valid rounding direction/);
So I’m passing it an array instead of a number, where I want JavaScript to throw the TypeError. Obviously I want people using this either in JavaScript or in TypeScript to be equally covered. Plus I’m after that sweet 100% figure in my coverage report. BUT , from the below report in Travis, we can see that the TypeScript compiler is getting there first and throwing a compilation error.
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
dev/test/completeRound.spec.ts:414:28 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'number[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
414 expect(() => completeRound([5])).to.throw(TypeError, /a number/);
I don’t see a way that I can test the compiled code because that means, well, compiling it, I’m using webpack to compile thought about using Babel but no point, it which straightaway put it in my ./dist
folder, browserifies it and everything else, so I can’t see how to import from that, and I don’t really want a 2-step process where I compile it then bundle it.
I guess the short version is, I want to test JavaScript error throwing for an error where TypeScript would catch it automatically, but JavaScript wouldn’t.
Any help appreciated, I’ve seen a gist on this as well, no help.