Shared Config and Anchors

Is it possible to create and use anchors via the new shared configs mechanism?

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Hey @hhslepicka,

Welcome! Have you looked at this?

Hey @Montana,
Thank you!

Yes, I looked into that.
What I would like to do is to leverage the new shared config at Travis with the import mechanisms and import existing anchors at my .travis.yml file or even other shared configs but unfortunately that does not seem possible at least at my tests.

The files are imported but the anchor is never properly replaced as I believe it is evaluated when the file is loaded and before joining the templates.
Is that correct?

Is there a way around it?

@Montana do you happen to have a way around the usage of anchors coming from files imported via the new shared config mechanism?

What I would like to do is to define standard procedures at yaml files that later can be reused and imported to compose a .travis.yml with those common anchors.

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Unfortunately, it’s not supported: