Restart build with updated config imports

Is it possible to start a new build of the same commit in a way that recreates the config, including updating imported configs? It appears that the config imports stay the same when I use the “Restart build” button.

The current workaround is to push meaningless commits, which isn’t so bad, but also isn’t ideal. I understand why there might be reproducibility issues here, but it would be nice to have some sort of shortcut for this.

Context: I have a set of Travis configs that handles my release process. I realize that for a new project, I need to update those configs. It would be nice if, while debugging the updates to the config scripts repo, I could just re-run the build for the release, including updating the config scripts.


(In that example build, the issue is that the config script imports other config scripts, and I fixed the second layer of imports, but forgot to tell the first layer to import from the current branch instead of master. A commit in the config scripts repo fixes it, but I see no way to use that without pushing another commit on project being released.)

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It looks like close/reopen the PR does what I’m looking for. It would still be nicer if there was something in the Travis UI to accomplish this!


Restart Build option serves the purpose to re-run build/build job with exactly the same configuration it was initially run in order to reproduce exactly the same build steps (e.g. for debugging the build recipe issues or validate Travis CI behavior). Therefore the build configuration is not refreshed from source when a user uses Restart option. In order to have the Travis CI build configuration grabbed from updated source, please perform a commit/other trigger to run a new build job (not a restart build/job option) - this will allow to verify build configuration contents and Travis CI respective behavior.

Hope that helps!