Pypi deploy failed in Windows

  provider: pypi
  distributions: sdist bdist_wheel
  skip_existing: true
    tags: true
    branch: master
  user: _token_
    secure: <>


$ ruby -S gem install dpl
Successfully installed dpl-1.10.16
Parsing documentation for dpl-1.10.16
Installing ri documentation for dpl-1.10.16
Done installing documentation for dpl after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
Successfully installed dpl-pypi-1.10.16
Parsing documentation for dpl-pypi-1.10.16
Installing ri documentation for dpl-pypi-1.10.16
Done installing documentation for dpl-pypi after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
Installing deploy dependencies
failed to deploy
-z was unexpected at this time.
Couldn't install pip, setuptools, twine or wheel.

As per Building a Python Project - Travis CI, Python builds are not officially supported for Windows.

You can use Twine to deploy manually (e.g. with custom script deployment).