Postgresql fails to start: "Unrecognized operating system."

> $ travis_setup_postgresql
Unrecognized operating system

Starting PostgreSQL v

Assertion failed on job for postgresql@-main.service.

sudo systemctl start postgresql@-main

This is a Bionic issue

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I’m also experiencing this problem. This is something that did work at some point in the past, I have found a build from June 1 that successfully used PostgreSQL on Bionic:

@pfrenssen The build you linked to actually uses Xenial (this was an early issue with Bionic support).

In any case, please link to an affected build – otherwise, we have incomplete information.

Here is a failing build exhibiting the same problem reported in the OP:

$ travis_setup_postgresql
Unrecognized operating system.
Starting PostgreSQL v
Failed to stop postgresql.service: Unit postgresql.service not loaded.
Failed to start postgresql@-main.service: Unit postgresql@-main.service not found.
sudo systemctl start postgresql@-main

.travis.yml for this build:

The reason is there’s no default version set for Bionic:

So you need

  postgresql: <version>

to set it manually.
See for versions available for Bionic in the official Apt repo (where Travis requests the specified version from).

Thanks for pointing me here!

I have tried setting the version in the addons section but it is still failing.


$ travis_setup_postgresql 11
Starting PostgreSQL v11
Failed to stop postgresql.service: Unit postgresql.service not loaded.
Failed to start postgresql@11-main.service: Unit postgresql@11-main.service not found.
sudo systemctl start postgresql@11-main

The message unrecognized operating system is no longer shown, but the service does not appear to exist:

$ psql -c 'create database firetrack;' -U postgres
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Thanks for the help!

I’m getting close to a working solution now, but it seems there are still some bugs left in the PostgreSQL support on Bionic.

When I use the configuration exactly as described in the documentation the errors in the travis_setup_postgresql step are now gone, but the service is not honoring the port that is set with the PGPORT=5433 environment variable.

Failing build:

The travis_setup_postgresql step looks good now:

$ travis_setup_postgresql 11
Starting PostgreSQL v11
sudo systemctl start postgresql@11-main

And I can see that the service is up and running:

$ sudo systemctl status postgresql@11-main -l || true
● postgresql@11-main.service - PostgreSQL Cluster 11-main
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql@.service; indirect; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2019-10-25 09:12:30 UTC; 23s ago

However when I try to create a database as described in the documentation this fails:

$ psql -c 'create database firetrack;' -U postgres
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
	Is the server running locally and accepting
	connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5433"?

And this is because the server is started on the default port 5432 instead of port 5433 as specified in the PGPORT=5433 environment variable:

$ sudo netstat -ltnp | grep postgres
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      6959/postgres

I think this is probably caused by the fact that the environment variable is set after the postgres service is started. I can possibly shut down and restart the service myself to work around this, but it is probably a bug that is worth fixing.

There is another problem, I am now using the default ports and the psql command can now connect to it, but it cannot authenticate using the postgres user:

$ psql -c 'create database firetrack;' -U postgres
psql: FATAL:  Peer authentication failed for user "postgres"


Here are some other things I tried but none were successful:

No luck so far.

The user and database travis that the code you linked to creates should allow you to run psql as yourself, without any extraneous parameters. AFAICS in, you do create the database successfully.

That is possible, but in that build the 3rd test fails, and this is the first test that connects to the database. I can try to get more debugging information in the test output, but at the moment I have switched back to Xenial.

I tried to find a build by searching for filename:.travis.yml bionic postgresql on Github, but I can’t find any builds that are working using the normal approach as described in the documentation.

On Xenial everything works fine.

I was finally able to solve it by applying the workaround posted in Postgresql broken on Focal - #7 by y-yagi by @mustafa .

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