Please add Ruby 2.5.3 version to for ubuntu focal and jammy versions

Please add Ruby 2.5.3 to
for ubuntu focal and jammy versions.
I’m getting the below error for ubuntu 22.04 & 20.04 versions for installing ruby 2.5.3 using rvm option in Travis. As the ruby 2.5.3 version for ubuntu 22.04 & 20.04 (x86_64) is not available in

$ rvm use $(< .ruby-version) --install --binary --fuzzy

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

Required ruby-2.5.3 is not installed - installing.

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.

Requested binary installation but no rubies are available to download, consider skipping --binary flag.

Gemset '' does not exist, 'rvm ruby-2.5.3 do rvm gemset create ' first, or append '--create'.

The command "rvm use $(< .ruby-version) --install --binary --fuzzy" failed and exited with 2 during .

So please include/add Ruby 2.5.3 version for ubuntu 22.04 & 20.04 (x86_64)to